Monday 5 March 2007

eMail Campaigns aka. "Spam/Junk Mail"

I've been hyping up our new product, myCampaign to all our customers on our existing myCMS product. And every single person commented on the use of a marketing terms for what they know as spam. I find it interesting... with all the laws, all the filters and all the misconceptions people aren't willing to sell their products to their clients via email (anybody out there, come chat to me, we have a great product!)

I want to take this short opportunity to explain the pro's/con's of email marketing and hopefully get you to reconsider your conceptions of this means. Let's begin with the pro's:

  • It's direct - target a very specific market and your guaranteed to hit it.
  • It's measurable - you can track openings, bounces (hard/soft), link clicks and unopened.
  • It's attractive - HTML & CSS are great tools to build an ascetical appearance.
  • You can unsubscribe to the spam, whenever!

Now for the con's:

  • Misconceptions of spam (email campaigns complying with law requires two step sign up).
  • It's annoying.

Let me know if you think of more con's, I'm stuck for now.

Hopefully this pro/con explanation of email Campaigns might help change your thoughts. If you would like to chat to someone about this great medium to market with, contact us at Digerati Solutions.